
About Oliver Florschütz

Oliver Florschuetz has 25+ years of experience as a leader, manager and expert. His main working areas are around ‘Change Management’ and ‘Team Effectiveness’. His purpose is to help bring back common sense in organizations, as this has been often replaced by politics, tactical games, routine or policies and procedures.

Hit the Spot Developing your Team

Back in th e 90ies, a typical phone call I got from a manager went like this:  “I am calling you because I need a teambuilding activity for my team.” “Yeah, great, what do you need?” “Well, I thought you were the expert…” “I am but you need to know what you want. What is it [...]

By |2017-10-18T16:53:40+02:00August 1st, 2016|Innovation|0 Comments
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