Leadership Excellence

Positive Intelligence™: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Building Powerful Habits for a (more) Positive Mind

“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” Voltaire (1694 – 1778) Leaders, We all self-sabotage from time to time, and it can be so automatic that we don't even realize it. However, when this rather destructive thinking continues, it causes us to flounder and draws us further into [...]

By |2025-01-02T18:47:18+02:00November 7th, 2022|Change Management, Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Positive Intelligence™: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Building Powerful Habits for a (more) Positive Mind

Emotional Intelligence: Everything you always wanted to know about EQ

Leaders, We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of showing our emotions. Navigating through this all takes awareness, tact and cleverness – especially as we want to succeed in our lives. This is where emotional intelligence becomes important. We probably all know people who are masters at managing their emotions. [...]

By |2024-02-28T11:40:07+02:00February 1st, 2019|Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Emotional Intelligence: Everything you always wanted to know about EQ

Creating a culture of confidence

Leaders, What do you consider the biggest threat to your organization to be? Wrestling with declining revenues? Struggling with intense global competition? Or battling against disruptive new technologies? How about fear? Fear has been spreading throughout organizations – negatively impacting morale, productivity, and the bottom-line. Living in fear is destructive for a team, and kills [...]

By |2025-02-21T02:21:38+02:00October 9th, 2018|Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Creating a culture of confidence

How comfortable are you in your discomfort zone?

Leaders, What would you do if there was no fear? Are you setting the stage for progress and confidence? Or are you playing it safe and waiting for the storm to pass? How present and ambitious are your goals? What is the risk of staying in your comfort zone? Are you focused on excellence? Do [...]

By |2025-01-02T18:49:31+02:00September 17th, 2018|Change Management, Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on How comfortable are you in your discomfort zone?

Trust: Gain Motivation and Lose Anxiety

Trust is fundamental to all relationships.  Without it, the foundation of collaboration  is quicksand.  Here are some examples where trust plays a familiar role, and other illustrations where the challenge is murky. A surgeon I know has an explosive temper.  It gets him into a lot of trouble – in his office, in the operating [...]

By |2024-12-28T08:22:04+02:00September 9th, 2018|Change Management, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Trust: Gain Motivation and Lose Anxiety

A culture of trust needs transparency

Leaders, Everyone wants to be part of a workplace culture that puts a premium on delivering the real truth. Lies and secrets break trust, while honesty and transparency build trust. If trust somehow exists without transparency, this so-called trust is nothing more than an illusion because it is based on what is not real. Transparency is an essential ingredient [...]

By |2025-02-21T02:18:41+02:00July 11th, 2018|Change Management, Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on A culture of trust needs transparency

Caution: Ego Traps

Leaders, Complacent superiority is your biggest clue that you are in an ego trap. The ego loves to feel superior. It loves judging, and looking down on others. It loves being right, and knowing more about everything and everyone. Leaders who operate with their ego on the front burner can rub people the wrong way. [...]

By |2024-12-28T08:22:31+02:00May 23rd, 2018|Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Caution: Ego Traps

Executives derail

Leaders, Derailment happens. It is normal. It is human. And it comes with consequences for the organization as well as yourself. Research suggests that more than 60% of senior leaders and executives derail at some point of time in their career. Also, the greatest majority of these leaders, belong to the group of 20% [...]

By |2018-05-25T00:16:29+02:00April 23rd, 2018|Cross-Cultural Communication, Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Executives derail

Leadership 4.0: Are you ready?

Today’s business world is rather exponential than linear. Speed is increasing. Many changes are of disruptive nature. Things can be true, and at the same time they can be false. What is illegal in one country could be legal in another country of the global village. There is not only one solution to a [...]

By |2024-12-28T08:23:26+02:00March 9th, 2018|Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on Leadership 4.0: Are you ready?

New work needs empowerment

Leaders, Do you need to control everything in your business? Are your people excessively reliant on you asking your permission for every tiny detail? How do you empower your people? Do you give them credit consistently? Leadership of today is quite different from that of Caesar, Plato, the Wilhelminian time, or the post-war period. Today's [...]

By |2018-02-18T19:13:57+02:00February 18th, 2018|Leadership Excellence|Comments Off on New work needs empowerment
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