

From tunnel vision to multiple perspectives

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Albert Einstein

We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) in times of unheard-of turbulence. It is an era of ever-increasing competition and technology that changes at speeds unimaginable a few years ago. Surviving and thriving in this environment requires a unique approach to accelerating innovation, catalyzing discovery, and tapping emerging opportunities.

Leaders need to develop the capacity to navigate these waters with new thinking, skill, talent and character to create new processes, products, and services that have value for their customers. Today, innovation is not a choice – it’s a must for every organization!

“Business as usual” is no longer acceptable. Innovation is a must-have strategic imperative. Only companies will succeed that continuously improve their products and services and align their endeavors with the market needs.
Coaching enables leaders and their teams to find clarity, brainstorm possibilities, make informed decisions, have the essential conversations needed to envision, strategize, develop, mobilize and commit to action.

Change your business game with Inspired Executives.

Articles on Innovation

Irresistible Marketing for Start-Ups II (+ Free Download)

Leaders, Tell me about your business! What do you do? If I were an investor or prospect client, what would you say to me to gain my attention, interest, and to get to the next level? Will I be intrigued by the way you are giving your brief, concise speech? [...]

By |December 30th, 2015|Categories: Innovation|Comments Off on Irresistible Marketing for Start-Ups II (+ Free Download)

Irresistible Marketing for Start-Ups I (+ Free Download)

Leaders, Some of you might have stepped out of your ‘safe’ corporate careers to start your own businesses. Some of you might only have played with that thought … . Let me guess – the uncertainty the new environment and the transition presented made you feel uncomfortable, right?! It is [...]

By |October 29th, 2015|Categories: Innovation|Comments Off on Irresistible Marketing for Start-Ups I (+ Free Download)

Online-Marketing for Start-Ups – How to Reach your Clients

Leaders, You plan to start you own business? – Great. Congratulations! You have a bunch of ideas, already a business plan and you are just about to start? Perfect! Have you thought about how your prospect clients will find you amongst the many different other services and products out there? [...]

By |October 11th, 2015|Categories: Innovation|Comments Off on Online-Marketing for Start-Ups – How to Reach your Clients

Advice from Kids: Developing a Learning Mindset

Leaders, We are all students and teachers at the same time. This principle becomes most apparent when I speak with my two nieces (7 and 9). I just visited them –we had a lot of fun in an indoor playground, shared thoughts and opinions. My big niece has always wanted [...]

By |June 26th, 2015|Categories: Innovation|Comments Off on Advice from Kids: Developing a Learning Mindset

Communities of Practice for Start-Ups – An efficient way to grow faster

In the context of the development of organizations, there is one concept which emerged as one of the most influential concepts in social sciences over the last years (Hughes, Jewson, & Unwin, 2007): The concept of “Communities of Practice'” (CoP). The name was first mentioned by Wenger, 1998. CoPs can [...]

By |April 26th, 2015|Categories: Innovation|Comments Off on Communities of Practice for Start-Ups – An efficient way to grow faster

Startup: Being an Entrepreneur Means Taking Risks

Leaders, When you decide to start your own business, your career, personal finances, mental health and more are at stake. What probably drives you is the desire to be in charge of your own destiny, and making your own decisions. Entrepreneurship is neither easy nor risk free. If you want [...]

By |February 28th, 2015|Categories: Innovation|Comments Off on Startup: Being an Entrepreneur Means Taking Risks
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