Leadership Excellence

Leadership Excellence2017-10-22T21:44:08+02:00

From purpose to impact

“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”
Oscar Wilde

Yesterday’s ‘command & control’ mentality is out. More than ever, success in business is about people. People working in our organizations today are deeply affected by the VUCA changes (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous). Modern leaders require an array of hard and soft skills. They need to be able to apply different methods and approaches to help their followers and organizations move into the future without fear.

People are longing for trustworthy leaders. Authentic leaders fill a void in an uncertain world. Authentic leaders lead from conviction; they are originals, not copies, and base their actions on their values.

Personal Mastery revolves around the idea that no matter what your leadership level or role, the critical factor to begin with is inside us. Before you can lead outwards, you need to look inwards. Leadership starts with you.

Coaching for leadership excellence supports managers and leaders to develop a sound level of personal mastery, create and lead out of a personal vision and relentlessly drive towards it every day, practice regular self-reflection and self-monitoring, understand their own and other’s feelings, behaviors and mindsets, be present, and accept only the best.

Become the best version of yourself with Inspired Executives.

Articles on Leadership Excellence

FeMale Leadership is Beautiful

Leaders, In preparation for the “Inspired Women Development Series” that I will be launching together with LFM Coaching, Buenos Aires/Argentina, I have asked a few colleagues and experts in the field of leadership development and diversity & inclusion about their views on characteristics of male and female leadership and the [...]

By |August 19th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Excellence|Tags: |0 Comments

Why Vague Feedback is Holding Women Back

Leaders, The number of women in executive roles has not changed largely in the last decade despite of significant investments in corporate advancement programs for women leaders. Women only hold 23% of senior management positions, and 35% of management positions. One major reason why women are not rising to executive [...]

By |May 1st, 2017|Categories: Leadership Excellence, Resilience|Tags: |0 Comments

How Women Manage Office Politics – Yes, We Can Play the Game!

Leaders, Office Politics are a fact of corporate life; positive or negative – politics happens. The reality is that politics is how power is managed on a practical basis everyday. The drama that unfolds as co-workers and top leaders play the game, form alliances, take credit, manipulate, trade favors [...]

By |February 2nd, 2017|Categories: Leadership Excellence, Resilience|Tags: |0 Comments

Is the Key to Effective Leadership Female?

Leaders, A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed to contribute to an article for CFA Institute Magazine. The article’s subject was around (gender) differences to effective leadership. Wanda Wallace, Suzanne Bates, Katie Christy and other powerful women leaders were interviewed, too. I feel very honored to have been chosen [...]

By |January 26th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Excellence|Tags: |0 Comments
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